Thursday, August 28, 2014

Storms to delay weekend travel

While the weather over much of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts will be free of rain during much of this Labor Day weekend, a zone of unsettled weather will reach across part of the Central states.

A zone of showers and thunderstorms will develop over the northern Rockies and sweep toward the Plains. This area will grow in size and persistence from portions of Texas, the lower Mississippi Valley and Florida, northward to around the Great Lakes. Major travel hubs such as Chicago; Detroit; St. Louis; Dallas; Houston; New Orleans; Orlando; and Kansas City, Missouri, can be affected at times.

These storms, as well of the millions of Americans who will be travelling for the holiday weekend, mean travellers should expect severe delays at airports and on major roads.

These storms can lead to flash flooding and sporadic power outages.

Very spotty showers will also affect coastal Washington state this weekend. A zone of clouds and showers is projected to sag slowly southward across upstate New York and New England.

By Labor Day, September 1, the unsettled weather may push farther east across the central and southern Appalachians to the mid-Atlantic coast.

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