Friday, August 8, 2014

EBOLA UPDATE - Blockades erected to stop Ebola

Blockades erected to stop Ebola

Updated 08 Aug 2014 @ 09:31 
This alert applies to to the following locations: Liberia / Sierra Leone
Liberian soldiers have set up a blockade stopping people from western regions affected by the Ebola outbreak from entering the capital, Monrovia.
The action follows the president's declaration of a state of emergency to tackle the outbreak that has killed more than 930 people in West Africa this year.
In Sierra Leone, security forces have now imposed a complete blockade of eastern areas hit by Ebola.

Health experts in Switzerland are currently discussing a response to the outbreak and whether to declare the outbreak a global health emergency.
If a public health emergency is declared, it could involve detailed plans to identify; isolate and treat cases; as well as impose travel restrictions on affected areas.

Meanwhile, the US State Department has ordered all family members of US personnel to leave the embassy in Monrovia because of the Ebola outbreak.

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