Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ebola Outbreak - Update

Updated 06 Aug 2014 @ 09:34
Liberia's Ebola death toll is rising dramatically, while abandoned bodies line streets across the country.

The World Health Organisation is warning of possible catastrophic consequences in West Africa.  

A total of 268 people had died of the virus as of August 2, almost 100 more than the toll a week before. Among the dead were 37 health workers and at least 2 497 people are suspected to be infected with Ebola.

The situation has gotten so bad that dead bodies are lying abandoned in the streets as Liberia's authorities are struggling to cope with the outbreak that has killed hundreds across West Africa.

Numerous health facilities have also had to shut down across the country after health care workers were threatened by locals who believe foreigners had brought Ebola into the country.  

Travellers are advised to maintain strict hygiene standards at all times.

Meanwhile, a number of airlines have suspended flights to countries in West Africa as a result of the outbreak. British Airways is the latest airline to suspend flights to Sierra Leone and Liberia until August 31.

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