Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Alert level lowered after no ash detected

Iceland cut its ash alert level for aviation to orange from red yesterday, after raising it to the maximum level earlier in the day because of a fresh eruption from a fissure in the Bardarbunga volcano system.

A new eruption in the volcano system system spewed lava more than 50 metres in the air, initially prompting authorities to raise their warning of the risk of ash to aviation from orange to red, which is the highest level on a five-colour scale and indicates an eruption is imminent or underway, with a risk of spewing ash.

However, the alert level was lowered when no ash was detected.

Although yesterday’s eruption was more powerful than another that occurred on Friday, experts said the situation is contained and is unlikely to result in the same level of aviation chaos as in 2010.

The situation will be monitored and updates will follow.

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