Thursday, July 18, 2013

SAA on Strike

SAA has confirmed that around 4 000 of its employees and members of the South African Transport and Allied Workers' Union (Satawu), will strike today.

The union said the airline had undermined wage negotiations, however SAA spokeswoman, Dileseng Koetle, said Satawu had intended continuing the strike, despite its understanding with the airline last week. She said it had reverted to its demands prior to the deadlock in conciliation at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration.

"SAA is of the view that Satawu is deliberately misrepresenting facts with the intention of misleading its members and inciting a section of the airline's employees to embark on the strike action on matters that are not relating to the wage negotiation process.

"This is despite parties having agreed in principle to the 6,5% across-the-board offer, subject to all parties obtaining a further mandate on this offer," said Dileseng.

"The misunderstanding and miscommunication presented by Satawu is regrettable, particularly pertaining to the bulk of employees who have indicated their willingness to accept the above offer," Dileseng said.

"Despite Satawu's regrettable intention, SAA will monitor the situation and, should the need arise, the airline will activate its contingency plans in order to ensure business continuity."

These measures will be there to try and avoid causing inconvenience to customers and passengers.

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