Monday, June 10, 2013

Post tropical storm to impact United Kingdom

Tropical storm Andrea brought heavy rainfall to the northeastern United States Friday night into Saturday morning and then soaked Atlantic Canada Saturday into Sunday.

Andrea is now just a post-tropical low pressure, but its fast movement will allow it to reach Ireland and the United Kingdom by later Tuesday into Wednesday.

The remnant low associated with Andrea will be the second in a series of three fast moving lows that will impact Ireland and the United Kingdom from Monday night into Thursday with the strongest winds expected across Ireland, Scotland and southwest England.

Total rainfall amounts of 12-25 mm are expected across Ireland, Northern Ireland, southwest England, Wales and western Scotland with lesser amounts farther east.

Winds of 25-50 kph will be common across all of the United Kingdom and Ireland, but damaging wind gusts in excess of 80 kph will be possible from Ireland into Scotland, as well as parts of southwest England with the greatest threat along and near southern- and western-facing coastal areas.

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